A bank account has not been set up for the vendor
I am trying to create a NACHA payment file for a vendor. I have setup the routing & account number for this bank and a bank statement name in the company bank account. I created a method of...
View ArticleRE: Invoicing a line of a PackingSlip
Hello, When you post the packing slip you will see the packing slip lines including the items and quantities that have been received. If multiple items or a larger quantity is recorded on that packing...
View ArticleRE: Customer account statement not running cross company
Hi,Have you checked the available standard cross company function of this report?Best regards, Ludwig
View ArticleRE: How to convert the SQL Query "Left Outer Join" into X++ query while using...
Hi Crispin John Augustine,Thank you for the quick response. Actually i showed a part of the sql query in the image, but this SQL query having four part like this and everything as a same query with...
View ArticleHow to convert the SQL Query "Left Outer Join" into X++ query while using...
Hello Experts,I've got an SQL query like below. I've to write an X++ Query for this and insert the result records in a Table. Here i can convert the SQL to X++ except the "Left Outer Join". In X++ we...
View ArticleError after create Deployment Package SCMMobile in Dynamics 365 Finance &...
I will custom mobile app workspaces in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operation with business logic ( with javascript ). But I don't know, my code always not work. Eventhough, my code seems to be correct....
View ArticleRE: Calculation type on traditional financial statement
Hello Jane, I cannot identify an error in the screenprint. The important thing is that you get the expression right. Then the data should be displayed correctly in the report. Have you tested that with...
View ArticleRE: Configured VSTS in VM (Update 15 D365FO)
A good starting point for learning absolute basics may be Develop and share your code in TFVC using Visual Studio.
View ArticleConfigured VSTS in VM (Update 15 D365FO)
Dear All,I have configured VSTS on my VM (Update 15 D365FO). I have created projects like Test Project in VSTS.My question is1. How i will add new objects like table, Form OR Class etc... in...
View ArticleRE: Item Charge for item with moving average costing method
Hi all,I would like to thank you for all the responses and information provided. This really helped me.Best Regards,Tanto Widjaya
View ArticleRE: Fixed Asset Procurement and corresponding Inventory Transactions
Hi, I agree that the amounts looks strange. Before saying that this is a bug I would like to ask whether you can replicate the same transactions in a different test/demo environment. My worry is that...
View ArticleFixed Asset Procurement and corresponding Inventory Transactions
Hi All,I have set-up a stocked service item which is serial number enabled. It is a service item as we do not want to hold on-hand inventory for the item since it will be converted directly to fixed...
View ArticleRE: Configured VSTS in VM (Update 15 D365FO)
Once you connect to Project you have to configure your workspace. Once you configure workspace then you can start adding your object to source control.
View ArticleRE: Multiple Entry in singe Fixed Asset record
Hello JEMT,The information that you listed is so-called non-financial information that are tracked in the fixed asset base record form. Example: What influences your fixed asset ledger postings is...
View ArticleRE: Configured VSTS in VM (Update 15 D365FO)
Yes, I already configured workspace. How to adding objects to source control?
View ArticleRE: Step by step (Application + Database) backup in AX 2009
Hi All,For Label files backup, i need to take separate backup of .ald file correct?Please give me more shed on this.Thanks!
View ArticleRE: Step by step (Application + Database) backup in AX 2009
Yes you need to copy the label files if you want to copy the labels.
View ArticleRE: Database restore in D365 On-Premises
I followed the same steps. It worked.Thanks Shubham
View ArticleDatabase restore in D365 On-Premises
Hi Experts,We are restoring the SQL Database from one Environment to another Environment where the Domain Names are different. But Database restored successfully and when logging into client page it is...
View ArticleRE: Integration with third party application Database(SQL Server)
Thanks Martin and Nikolaos.
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