RE: Immediate item consumption in Projects - AX 2012 R2
Check the "Include physical value" check box on the Item Model group in the Inventory model\Cost price section. AX does not set an inventory cost until the 1st PO is invoice vouchered (posted). So...
View ArticleImmediate item consumption in Projects - AX 2012 R2
Hello Everyone,I learnt that items can now be consumed immediately in Projects(to update project expenses) when we receive the item(Post the product receipt packing slip), without having the need to...
View ArticleRE: Instruction add a new field to AIF Interface in AX 4.0
What in AX 2009 called Services -> Button Update, in AX 4.0 it is called Action -> Button Scan and registerCheers
View ArticleInstruction add a new field to AIF Interface in AX 4.0
Hi guys,can someone advise me an instruction of adding a field to AIF Interface in AX 4.0?!!I wanted to compare a similar change with AX 2009 but unfortunately I found too many differences that confuse...
View ArticlePrice list confirmation in Retail
Dear experts,I have two questions regarding possibilties of managing prices for a product centrally and from a store.1) First of all I need to know if stores can accept/deny/modify prices they receive...
View ArticleSales Tax Payment
Hello Everyone,Please I am testing the Sales tax payment, but I still don't understand the concept. For instance, the one I used, I saw a balance in the sales tax amount, what does that balance imply?...
View ArticleProduction Order Reset status
I'm trying to track down how to reset the status on a production order that was doubled. It looks like order was posted already, but I can't get why it won't go to release to delete the production...
View ArticleUnable to Personalize 'Journal Lines' form for 'Transfers' under 'Inventory...
I am not able to personalize the 'Journal Lines' form for 'Transfers' under 'Inventory and Warehouse Management'Another person in my team has it personalized and he has added four more fields here. I...
View ArticleRE: Location Information Pop Up when Client starts
I don't think this is anything to do with AX.You can try the following steps to resolve this issue : Go to start and type “services.msc”. Hit Enter.Go down to “Telephony” and double click.Disable it,...
View ArticleLocation Information Pop Up when Client starts
I have a a couple of users who are facing the same issue after I attempted to sync user with the Outlook, cannot get rid of it at all now. Any ideas?
View ArticleRE: Journal Batch Number not incrementing after DIEF
Hi SantoshPlease apply following configuration changes and try againIn the DIXF source mapping, make sure that 'auto generated' check box is marked for journal batch numberSet the number sequence...
View ArticleJournal Batch Number not incrementing after DIEF
Hi All,I am uploading Journal using DIEF and it is uploaded perfectly (looks fine on screen) but found my next number field (Journal Batch Number) is not incrementing.Say while Journal upload journal...
View ArticleRE: Reports do not get generated and sent in Excel
Hi,Go to the reporting services server, normally, http://servername/ReportsSelect the particular report (CustAccountStatement) or the entire folder which contains the reports.Select the properties tab...
View ArticleReports do not get generated and sent in Excel
I have a user which is running the CustAccountStatement report, selects e-mail as a destination with Excel as a format and receives the following error: The Permissions granted to user DOMAIN\USERNAME...
View ArticleRE: Multiple Financial dimensions on one line in an invoice journal
I think I did not communicate properly before. I do not need the split of the transactions on my vendor account. Instead I need the split(view in dimension on my GL).the invoice I am creating is for my...
View ArticleMultiple Financial dimensions on one line in an invoice journal
While creating an invoice through invoice journal of AP module, I have to assign multiple financial dimensions, meaning distribute the amounts. if its a 110$ invoice, distributing the amount 60$ onto...
View ArticleRE: AX 2012 CU8R3 Install SSAS Error - Data is Null
The analysis services database is not created by setup. It's created from the ax client. To create it, first, from the tools menu, under the BI commands, run the command for Analysis Servers to bring...
View ArticleAX 2012 CU8R3 Install SSAS Error - Data is Null
I install SSAS extension always failed and I don't know how to debug the process.I really appreciate every ideas, thank the original installation log: === Setup logging started: 8/28/2015...
View ArticleRE: What is the best criteria on which to select the Accounting Currency?
HiAccounting currency (i.e., functional currency) is the currency in which a company transact its business. In normal scenario it is the country's main currency. In certain cases, it can be functional...
View ArticleWhat is the best criteria on which to select the Accounting Currency?
Dear What is the best criteria on which to select the Accounting Currency?Is it the currency that is most requested in the report?is it the Budget Currency?Is it the countries main Currency?Regards
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