I think the exam you are looking for is MB6-896, which is Distribution and Trade in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
Here is the official exam page on Microsoft's website: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-mb6-896.aspx
I don't know much about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, but I do know a lot about the certification process and effective study methods! I passed all 5 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (CRM) examinations in under a year and now helping others do the same through my online school MS Dynamics Certified. Here are some study tips for you.
- Stay far away from Brain Dumps! They will harm your preparation much more than they will help, since the answer key is wrong, you will learn the wrong concepts and it will not help you to perform well in job interviews and on the job. Moreover, Microsoft has detected a really good machine learning system to detect who could be using Brain Dumps and make them fail with a score really close to 700. If they can prove you have brain dumps, you get a lifetime ban from the Microsoft Certified Professional program.
- If you have DLP access (either via PartnerSource, CustomerSource or 365 Talent Portal), watch all the videos (ideally twice). The first time will be for you to pay close attention and understand the concepts. The second time will be for you to take notes. I am personally a huge fan of Cornell Notes. You can do an electronic version of them on Microsoft OneNote. You can learn more about it here: http://lsc.cornell.edu/notes.html
- Once that's done, I encourage you to use flashcards and create your own practice questions. You can do them on pen and paper flashcards or online with a tool such as Quizlet.
- If you notice that you get all questions wrong in one particular topic, I encourage you to revise that topic.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions!