Maybe have given you the idea I do not like Dynamics AX. I believe it is a great system and we will need it if we continue to grow this fast. We have done a business case on various ERP systems. With also maintenance etc. included. Including SAP by Design and Dynamics Navision. This high availability in azure comes as a surprise to me. That is disappointing. In particular we are a small - extreme fast growing company. So over a year or so we might have been doubled or tripled by number. At that moment this investment might make it worth. I am pro new technology and would like to step into Azure. However, at this price?
I came across this:
lcs.dynamics.com/.../axOnAzure.html . Scaling down to 60 users is not possible with this tool. 100 users is about 55.000 USD. To be honest - but seeing your reactions - I do not see the dollars of benefits. Maybe because we do not use LCS, but just VM's on Azure.
In my opinion there is room to downsize this setup, however, where are the infrastructure specialists to help me in deciding. I need evidence that indeed sizing can be done. With this setup we are at 1.700 euro per year per user, not including licenses and implementation costs.
Are there people out here who have LCS running and similar amount of users/ transactions to get an idea ?