The solution I implemented is system wide, not just prod.
Here is the code I use (I have placed inside the global class).
static date localDate()
System.DateTime utcDate;
UTCDateTime axUtcDate;
UTCDateTime localDate;
CodeAccessPermission permission;
permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::CLRInterop);
utcDate = System.DateTime::get_UtcNow();
axUtcDate = DateTimeUtil::anyToDateTime(CLRInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(utcDate));
localDate = DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(axUtcDate, DateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone());
return dateTimeUtil::date(localDate);
You will notice that the UTCDateTime is converted back into a date in the return call.
Everywhere I want to use local dates you need to convert the code from using SystemDateGet() to LocalDate().