RE: The number of joins in the statement is 28. This exceeds the maximum of...
Consider splitting your query with many joined tables to simpler queries connected by links.
View ArticleThe number of joins in the statement is 28. This exceeds the maximum of 26....
I have a table with 27 relations which is used as data source on a from when I open the form the following warning is displayed "The number of joins in the statement is 28. This exceeds the maximum of...
View Articlethis transaction has been marked for settlement by another user
how to resolve of ismarked with red dot and system shows message "this transaction has been marked for settlement by another user", on settle open transection screen
View ArticleRE: Error when Running Reports - The Report Definition Customization...
whats your AX version, attach the modified config file. You had any backup, if so, attach that one as wellWhy you modfified the config file, please share as that may help.
View ArticleRE: Purchase Order Line jumping back to first line
It seems that something piece of code re-execute the query. Analyze (or let a developer to analyze) the code to find the culprit. When you understand why it's there, you can decide what to do with it....
View ArticlePurchase Order Line jumping back to first line
Dear All, I am having an issue in my environment that on purchase Order line whenever we make a new line or change / update any info on line the Cursor jump back to first line and it's...
View ArticleRE: Main accounts are not appearing at the time of GL entry
There is possibility that New MainAccount is not part of any of active Account Structures.
View ArticleRE: Main accounts are not appearing at the time of GL entry
but i am not able to see any main account.and when i am trying to check accounting structure it is not what is the reason .
View ArticleRE: discount on a project quotation
What you are thinking at this moment is 100% correct. In Standard AX, it’s allowed only Cash Discount for PROJECT QUOTATIONS. There is no other way to put Total Discount on header of Project Quotation....
View ArticleRE: Main accounts are not appearing at the time of GL entry
MainAccount Value is not showed as lookup, in COA Struture, you have to manauklly type it under ranges, or you can allow all accounts.
View ArticleMain accounts are not appearing at the time of GL entry
can any one tell me the reason to this issue.when i am trying to post GL entry main accounts are not appearing
View ArticleRE: Retail SDK: "Cannot find the interop type" on a refresh installed SDK
I faced same error and below are my findings.1:SDK installed version does not match with update you had on Ax,Means if your Ax has R3-CU8 install then open SDK version of CU8 which should be there...
View ArticleRetail SDK: "Cannot find the interop type" on a refresh installed SDK
I have been trying to figure out why I am receiving this error, but failed so far. I just installed a fresh new AX Retail SDK on my machine plus a POS system for testing. When I try to compile the SDK...
View ArticleRE: Account number for transaction type purchase expenditure uninvoiced does...
Hi Subashini,It may be that the G/L account you are using is not part of an Account structure that exists on your Ledger.Go to G/L -> Setup -> Ledger to see the Account structures that your...
View ArticleAccount number for transaction type purchase expenditure uninvoiced does not...
i am getting following error at the time of PO receipt Account number for transaction type purchase expenditure un invoiced does not exist.But i have given all the item group setups.
View Articlediscount on a project quotation
Hello everyone,can you help me to make a total discount on a project quotation?Thanks.
View ArticleRE: Installation of EP fails on AX2012 R3 / Uninstall manifest file
hi Jesper,did you resolved that issue. ? please let me know the steps. i have tried by selecting different default website as suggested by Umesh Pandit but it wont worked for me and facing the same...
View ArticleInstallation of EP fails on AX2012 R3 / Uninstall manifest file
Hi,I get the following error when trying to install EP on AX2012 R3. At the end of the log file this message - warning:"**** Warning: Publisher {8e410b1f-eb34-4417-be16-478a22c98916} is installed onthe...
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