RE: Delivery date control NONE taking sales leadtime
pfffff stupid, found where my mind took the wrong exit. I was expecting that when Iset Delivery date control to "none" that lead times were ignored at line creation. But it is the check against the...
View ArticleDelivery date control NONE taking sales leadtime
How can I setup AX2012 in a way that the system will NOT take the leadtime of the item into account. I thought it was delivery date control NONE. But this setup still takes the sales leadtime that has...
View ArticleRE: Get dimension account values of Vendor account in lookup
Dear it has been added through code.
View ArticleRE: Technical and version d365 FO roadmap needed
MS seems to have moved it
View ArticleRE: Get dimension account values of Vendor account in lookup
Dear Ludwing ,Thanks for your response I have manage it now through vendtable and dirpartytable relation in lookup method which have both vendor account and name and I am adding it through codepublic...
View ArticleRE: Get dimension account values of Vendor account in lookup
Hi, I am not sure whether this is going to work because the financial dimensions are linked to an individual transaction line. From something that is shown in the header I would expect that it is valid...
View ArticleRE: Security configuration: Developer vs UI implementation
When configuring security in UI it creates an additional data layer on security on top of security metadata.While using UI based security could be needed on some select time critical scenarios, best...
View ArticleSecurity configuration: Developer vs UI implementation
I recently posted two questions on security: both cases, someone mentioned that whatever I was trying to...
View ArticleRE: Technical and version d365 FO roadmap needed
Hi Rahul,thank you for your help. These notes are more for the spring release of 2018.What I am looking for is a roadmap for the vision of the product in years to come.Where does Microsoft wants to...
View ArticleTechnical and version d365 FO roadmap needed
Hi, We have noticed that information on roadmap has been removed from all wibesites. This is very critical in our presentations with prospects to position Microsoft products and D365 FO solution. Can...
View ArticleRE: Invoicing a line of a PackingSlip
You can try this:salesFormLetter = salesFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::Invoice);salesFormLetter.selectFromJournal(add Packing slip records...
View ArticleRE: Invoicing a line of a PackingSlip
I think, this is also a good example the query 'SalesUpdatePackingSlip'. Try this as well.
View ArticleRE: Json array
Hi Martin, WebRequest is used and we try the idea used in the link below method (JsonServiceGroup1EchoContractListTest) , but unfortunately it does not work The serialized json string is as the...
View ArticleJson array
I am working with ax data entity using Json.I try to push a list of records to AX data base using Json array shown below but the below error is faced Json array:[{"Key1":"Value1","Key2":Value }...
View ArticleRE: Json array
I recommend you follow my last advice. It will clearly show you the right syntax, so you don't have to keep trying to guess it.Sorry, I don't have currently time to do it for you, so you'll better off...
View ArticleWhere does AX performs the sales orders summary update?
Hello everyone,In Accounts receivable - Periodic - Sales update - Invoice, in the other tab, there a dropdown list which allows the invoices to group orders in a certain way, by invoice account for...
View ArticleRE: Setup could not connect to the database server - on Microsoft Dynamic AX...
yes i'm sure because i remember that is:1. IP address if I am wrong then I will not be able to communicate with the domain server, because the installation of MDA (Microsoft Dynamic AX) this must be...
View ArticleRE: Setup could not connect to the database server - on Microsoft Dynamic AX...
@Hassan Raza Thanks For responI have added user admin that has registered local user and that is in active directory server, but I also not so sure if I have missed in this section.
View ArticleAIF how to return multiline fault exception XML for File system adapter...
Hi,Currently AX 2012 returns only one line of the exception in fault exception which will not give clear information about the issue;Using file system adapter, third party drops the xml to the...
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