RE: Creating a radio button with 2 values only ?
An single field with an Enum would probably be best...
View ArticleRE: The version Microsoft excel is not support is occurring when preview...
This may occur if you are trying to use office 32 bit on a machine which has 64 bit OS. Alex has documented it. Have a look here
View ArticleRE: Creating a radio button with 2 values only ?
thanks fredrik for thatif I have 2 values like "Accepted" & "Rejected" , do i have to create 2 Base Enum? or 1 with values inside ?
View ArticleCreating a radio button with 2 values only ?
Dear i want to create a radio button with 2 values only, what is the best way to go at it , Create a table with those 2 values and link it to the field on the formI don't know what option 2 is ? is...
View ArticleRE: Error Processing HR Managment Cube
Process the cube from SQL Server Management Studio and the error will also include the SQL statement that is being executed. Can you post that SQL statement?
View ArticleError Processing HR Managment Cube
Hi AllI got this error Once process HR cube by Press Process Button from Properties of HR Managment Cube by MS VS :OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Invalid object name 'KMACTION'.; 42S02.Any Idea...
View ArticleRE: Where to enter measures and in what unit measure?
Look at the system unit in the units table. However ultimately it is up to you and how you configure the system:System unitUnit of measure that is applied when a measurement or quantity is entered in...
View ArticleRE: Turn CW (catch weight) off in all forms/ reports
Yes, just un-tick it in the license configuration.
View ArticleRE: Turn CW (catch weight) off in all forms/ reports
System Administration >> Setup >> Licensing >> License configuration:
View ArticleRE: Item Weight
How to Maintain single piece of item weight in ax 2012 i have 1 box=10 pieces.Total box wt is 10 kg. This total weight maintain on Catch weight. I need to maintain Each pieces of item . How to...
View ArticleItem Weight
How to Maintain single piece of item weight in ax 2012 i have 1 box=10 pieces.Total box wt is 10 kg. This total weight maintain on Catch weight. I need Each pieces have 1 kg. How to map the...
View ArticleRE: Where to enter measures and in what unit measure?
Hi,I cannot find the table where system unit = true/false is set to see what is set up. Kg is empty as you see in image below. For every metric you can only set one system unit then?I do not see the...
View ArticleRE: The version Microsoft excel is not support is occurring when preview...
Thanks for replyI am using excel file and the version is (15.0.4569.1506) 64-bit
View ArticleRE: Turn CW (catch weight) off in all forms/ reports
Hi,Thank you. Does disabling this disturb the production control? We do not have process industry, just assembly of parts into finished products. It will make the forms and reports less crowded and...
View ArticleRE: Turn CW (catch weight) off in all forms/ reports
Well it impacts on production by removing CW. Setting the license configuration is required for every implementation.
View ArticleTurn CW (catch weight) off in all forms/ reports
Is there a way to turn CW off?
View ArticleRE: The version Microsoft excel is not support is occurring when preview...
thanks for the reply sohaibOS is Microsoft windows 2012 r2 64 bitOffice also 64 bitoffice version is 15.0.4569.1506- 64-bitI have gone through the article but for me the infolog message is "The version...
View ArticleRE: Where to enter measures and in what unit measure?
For every unit class you can only set one default. You need to decide how the company views weights and the users creating the records. You cannot increment the rounding as standard. Setup is indeed...
View ArticleRE: Where to enter measures and in what unit measure?
Thank you. There is no system unit set up also not a base unit. I understand those are required for proper handling of units?
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