RE: EP Dialog in Workflow Comment
HI Sohaib , thanks for the reply,I checked the above mentioned class looks like it is calling only the rich client form, if I could the details of the EP equivalent it would be helpful
View ArticleRE: EP Dialog in Workflow Comment
I think both EP and Rich client do use same classI was reading this if there are different classes for EP vs. Rich client, the case must be out of my knowledge.
View ArticleEP Dialog in Workflow Comment
I have deployed a list page in EP and submitting a workflow from the same , I get this Dialog to get user comments ,I would like to know from where this Dialog is Created , I Searched in the workflow...
View ArticleRE: Regarding using trial versions of Dynamics AX and CRM
Hi Justin,It is possible to install if you have the setup files. A MSDN subscription would grant access to the setup with a demo license. Later you can change the licenses.
View ArticleRE: Alert Rule
Hi BKAX,If the field CreatedBy is enabled on the tables SalesTable and SalesLine, it is possible to setup alerts based on this field. (Alert me, when CreatedBy is my user ID) The alert rules are setup...
View ArticleRE: Alert Rule
the option provided by André is pretty good, as it can be achieved by using standard AX.alternatively you can fire the Alert via x++ on modification of SO.Note: Modification of SO is a very broad term....
View ArticleRE: Alert Rule
Thanks the scenario is whenever SO is modified by any user, it should trigger to SO "created by user id" .i opened sales order list page and opened alert rule form, there we do not have...
View ArticleAlert Rule
Hi All,can any one provide the setup for following scenariowhenever the SO is modified by any user, system should notify the alert to the person who created SO.Example:SO1 is created by User1 and SO2...
View ArticleRE: Regarding using trial versions of Dynamics AX and CRM
Dear Andre,Thanks for your response. I have further questions.Our MSDN is 'Visual Studio Premium with MSDN'. 1) with our MSDN, can we install Dynamics AX 2012? I think there is no license key for...
View ArticleRegarding using trial versions of Dynamics AX and CRM
We are buying Dynamics AX and CRM licenses but the process is not finished yet.I would like to install right now even though our procurement process is not finished.How can I install Dynamics AX and...
View ArticleRE: Account Number For Transaction Type Exchange Rate Loss
Validate your general ledger setup:1. General Ledger - Setup - Ledger. Validate the account structures configured. 2. General Ledger - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Configure Account Structures. From the...
View ArticleRE: One Retail Server for multiples Stores Channels
The Retail server and the MPOS both have the config file where you can define the connection string to connect to channel database. If you define it on the MPOS config file, then each of your MPOS will...
View ArticleOne Retail Server for multiples Stores Channels
Hi AXCommunityi have a question, i have 5 small stores with only one MPOS for each store. Well i want to install only one retail server in my HQ Datacenter . Each store need to be one retail...
View ArticlePicking List
Hi ,Present Scenario in the company :After finished goods are produced the packing slip is made .Issue : The Item delivery is not controlled.Can any one suggest a better solution for this ?Second...
View ArticleRE: Account Number For Transaction Type Exchange Rate Loss
Try putting some accounts in against the currency code "General Ledger\Setup\Exchange Rates" (There are 4 accounts - 2 for realized exchange loss/gain and 2 for unrealized exchange gain/loss)
View ArticleAccount Number For Transaction Type Exchange Rate Loss
Dear allI am facing an error While I am invoicing sales order . with me select Exchange Rate Loss & Gain account in the following:-1- General Ledger --- > Setup --->Currency ---> Currency...
View ArticleRE: Write request on InventItemBarcode fail
Please check is it validating any business logic before write .. I mean to say it is validating by validatewrite method or not.
View ArticleWrite request on InventItemBarcode fail
am facing the issue on inventitembarcode tableTarget request handler failed to process target request header: ProcessTargetRequestHeaderException: ProcessTargetRequestHeader failed to execute all write...
View ArticleRE: Set Journal Description Field to Mandatory
If you want to make field mandatory, it is very simple change in field property. (process -AOT - Data Dictionary ->Tables->LedgerJournalTable-JournalName-right click - property - mandatory -...
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