Hi all,
I am actually creating a new Journal movement, in which I need to add 'journal lines', as shown below;
However, when creating a new line, a default 'Offset account' number is assigned to the line.
Now, my task is that, I should override this default value by the 'Main account' number of the ItemGroup;
The specific value to be used is the 'Loss', which can be read from ItemGroup > Inventory, as shown above.
Now the issue is that, I am unable to see where this value is being recorded.
I tried going through the tables, until I got to the MainAccount. Yet, I don't see where this value is being saved.
I am quite loss in my investigation as to get the 'Loss' number.
Can anyone please help me?
How do I get the Loss number, to override the Offset account number of the movement journal by code?