I have JmgStampJournalTable and JMGStampJournalTrans Table in AX.
I will import my time card details to these table through code.
Eg: In JMGStampJournalTrans , Time Card Details will be available.
Worker starttime stoptime Date jobref
00007 8.00 am 9.00 am 5/29/2015 picking
00007 9.00 am 10.00am 5/29/2015 picking_Large
00007 10.00am 10.15am 5/29/2015 Break
00007 10.15am 11.00am 5/29/2015 picking_small
Here JobRef represents the department value
I have WHSWorkTable and WHSWorkLine Table in AX
In WHSWorkLine ,Working Details will be available.
WorkId OrderNum QtyWork WorkType UserId WorkinProcessUTCDateTime ZoneId
0001 SO-00003 2 Pick Sam 5/29/2015 08.10.09 am Medm
0001 SO-00003 2 Put Sam 5/29/2015 09.10.09 am
0001 SO-00003 1 Pick Sam 5/29/2015 10.20.00 am Small
0001 SO-00003 1 Put Sam 5/29/2015 10.40.00 am
Now i want a cube , Which combines these two table.
Expected Output:
Dpartments Picking
Selection Range (Date) 5/29/2015 5/29/2015
Selection Range (Date) 6:00:00 AM 12:00:00 PM
EmplName UserID Dept Zone Hrs Picks Picks/Hour Sales Orders
Samual Sam Picking 3 3 1 1
Samual Sam Picking Medm 2 SO-00003
Samual Sam Picking Small 1 SO-00003
Here first row is the summary value.
There is not a relation between these table. How to create a cube for this.
How to achieve this .
Please suggest me .