Hy everybody, below you could find a simple job to read document from a folder and insert as attachment.
Obviously could be improved with parameters and dialogbox or transform it as a batch class that search in a specify folder ...
please beware about the WINAPI is you will use on server execution.
Bye, Daniele.
static void ImportDocument(Args _args)
DocuRef docuRef;
DocuActionArchive archive;
InventTable inventTable;
ItemId itemid;
str 200 _filepath,filename,impfile;
real filehandle;
str 200 tmppath, tmpname, tmpext;
str _name;
select docuRef where docuRef.RefTableId == tablenum(inventtable);
_filepath = @"<path container of files to attachment>";
if (WinApi::folderExists(_filePath))
[fileHandle, fileName] = WinApi::findFirstFile(_filepath + '\\' + "<search pattern ex. *.PDF>");
while (fileName)
[tmppath, tmpname, tmpext] = fileNameSplit(filename);
inventtable = inventTable::find(subStr(tmpname,1,8));
if(tmpname && inventTable.recid)
docuRef.RefRecId = inventTable.RecId;
docuRef.RefTableId = tableNum("inventtable");
docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext();
docuRef.Name = tmpname;
docuRef.TypeId = //TODO : specify the type of document;
archive = new DocuActionArchive();
archive.add(docuRef, _filepath + '\\' + fileName);
fileName = WinApi::findNextFile(fileHandle);
} //end of inner while