We are implementing AX 2012 R3 and planning to use the Travel and Expense module.
I have gone through many manuals and videos on it but no where I am able to find what the financial entries posted which raises the below major concerns.
- How can I see what is the outstanding from any employee who has taken cash advance and not yet settled
- Incase employee takes 5000 $ as advance and gets approved claims of 6000 $, how can I see that company has to pay the employee 1000 $, how do I pass this entry
- Incase employee takes 6000 $ as advance and gets approved claims of 5000 $, how can I see that employee has to pay the company 1000 $, how do I pass this entry
- Incase an employee takes multiple advance eg. 5000$, 4000$, 6000$ and then put claims irrespective of the cash advance eg. first claim of 7500$, how will the system settle this transaction and how will I know what is outstanding.
- Currently there is no plan to define the employee as a vendor or have employee as dimension, let me know if that helps resolving the above issues.
Any feedback on the above will be highly appreciated.