Hello to everyone.
Let me describe a situation.
We have DAX 2012 R2 CU 7 integrated with Project Server 2010.
Today we have noticed that one of standard project lookup tables - SyncProjInvoiceTableLookup is empty.
Data source for SyncProjInvoiceTableLookup are ProjectInvoceTable table - it is project contracts associated with customers agreements and further customers.
Investigating the problem I have found this code:
This code manipulate with PSI lookup table of customers and it’s calls when you delete customer from DAX. As you can see, conditions for second table – SyncProjInvoiceTableLookup affects all records of table, because there no condition by deleting customer. I think this logic is wrong. When AfProjLookupServiceClass will run, you lose al SyncProjInvoiceTableLookup data integrated with Project Server, not only for current deleting customer.
Can someone tell me, are this code in R3 version of DAX 2012 are the same?
Or maybe I am wrong with my arguments?