Deletion of the file is throwing error that can't access file or other process is using it.
Below are the steps i am doing.
1) I am generating PDF file from SSRS report and it gets placed in temp folder on the AOS server.
2) I am converting the file to MemoryStream
3) calling a method which processes the Memorystream.
4) deleting the file from temp folder.
Below is the code that starts from step 2 assuming step 1 is already performed.
new FileIOPermission(tempFileNameWithPath, #io_read).assert();
if (WinAPIServer::fileExists(tempFileNameWithPath))
reportIsEmpty = (WinAPIServer::fileSize(tempFileNameWithPath) == 0);
// starts creating memorystream
fileStream = System.IO.File::OpenRead(tempFileNameWithPath);
memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
size = fileStream.get_Length();
fileStream.Read(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, size); //write to MemoryStream
// call the method to process memorystream
// Some other business logic goes here which has nothing to do with file or memorystream created above.
new FileIOPermission(tempFileNameWithPath, #io_write).assert();
I am getting error when i am trying to delete the file shown in green section above. If i comment out red color code, everything works fine and file gets deleted successfully. but somehow permission is not getting reverted eventhough i have used revertAssert() statement (Pink color) before deleting file.
I believe file is getting locked when memorystream is getting generated and never gets unlocked.
Can anyone help me how to get rid of this lock?