I hope I am right in assuming that you want to export information to .csv-file.
The string will have a record in the DimensionAttributeValueCombination-table.
These records are typically what is linked to from table fields of type LedgerDimension.
Find that record. From this record you will be able to determine which dimension attribute corresponds to each segment in the
An example - say you have found a record in DimensionAttributeValueCombination with recid 5637149311, then you can do:
static void Job21(Args _args)
DimensionAttributeValueCombination davc; // Global
DimensionAttributeValueGroupCombination davgc; // Global
DimensionAttributeValueGroup davg; // Global
DimensionHierarchy dh; // Global
DimensionAttributeLevelValue dalv; // Global
DimensionAttributeValue dav; // Global
DimensionAttribute da; // Global
while select davc
where davc.RecId == 5637149311
join davgc
where davgc.DimensionAttributeValueCombination == davc.RecId
join davg
where davg.recid == davgc.DimensionAttributeValueGroup
join dalv
order by ordinal
where dalv.DimensionAttributeValueGroup == davg.recid
join dav
where dalv.DimensionAttributeValue == dav.RecId
join da
where da.recid == dav.DimensionAttribute
info(strFmt("Attribut: %1 * Værdi: %2 * Navn: %3",da.Name,dav.getValue(),dav.getName())); // Be aware that the dimension tables are global
// but a backing entity for a dimension (e.g. custttable) might NOT be global so
// If the current company account does not contain a record matching the
// dimension value you get nothing returned