The below piece of code exists in the class PayrollEarningGenerationTask, method createWorkerPositionRecurringEarnings
if (workerRecId != 0&& positionRecId != 0&& positiondetail.RecId != 0)
select validTimeState(toDateTime) RecId from positionWorkerAssignment
where positionWorkerAssignment.Worker == workerRecId
&& positionWorkerAssignment.Position == positionRecId;
if (positionWorkerAssignment.RecId != 0)
// can have multiple earning records exist for a given worker and position combination at the endDate of the pay period
// and the calc frequency is defined for the pay period
whileselect validTimeState(toDateTime) RecId, Worker, Position, EarningCode, Formula, CalculationFrequency from workerPositionEarningCode
where workerPositionEarningCode.Position == positionWorkerAssignment.Position
&& workerPositionEarningCode.Worker == positionWorkerAssignment.Worker
&& workerPositionEarningCode.CalculationFrequency != 0
join RecId, CalculationFrequencyId from calculationFrequency
where calculationFrequency.RecId == workerPositionEarningCode.CalculationFrequency
// only calculate those with calculation frequency defined for this period
outerjoin RecId, PayPeriod from calculationFrequencyPayPeriod
where calculationFrequencyPayPeriod.CalculationFrequency == workerPositionEarningCode.CalculationFrequency
&& calculationFrequencyPayPeriod.PayPeriod == payPeriodRecId
I notice that positionWorkerAssignment.Position, positionWorkerAssignment.Worker are filled with values although they are not selected in the first select statement only RecId is retrieved, such case is strange can I find an explanation for this ?