Hi Ludwig,
Every Offset account does not have dept financial dimension (e.g. main -vend). but cash discount has dept financial dimensions (main-dept-vend)
Couple of questions
In your case is it true that cash discount has only main account and no other financial dimensions and it is taking offset financial dimensions to post cash discount.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
1)In my case, Can such configuration exists for cash discount in dynamics ax. For such cases how dynamics ax posts the cash discount. Also in what other ways, can we configure cash discounts.
2) Also, system is allowing empty dept dimension and not throwing an error because in CustVEndsettle (class)\postcashdiscdistributions(method)
this code is skipping the validation and the cash discount is posted to main account - -vendor. (dept is blank).
lets suppose I changed the code and make the validation throw the error. But there is no way I can provide dept dimension while system is automatically making the postings. in such case how can we provide dept dimension?