thanks for responding Rustem,
I am trying my best to follow your recommendation because am not clear as to what i must do.
this is what i have done:
1. Created a new table with two fields image newtable
with this table i used the EDT on ItemID to get the lookup from InventTable (see relation)
2. I created a form and use table (newtable) as its datasource see image newtableform
3. Under the ItemID field I override the modified method by adding this code:
using the following code:
public void modified()
InventTable it;
InventTableModule itm;
ItemPrice itemp;
while select itemp where itemp.ItemIDCost==it.ItemId
join itm where it.itemid == itm.ItemId
&& itm.ModuleType == ModuleInventPurchSales::Sales
itemp.ItemPriceShow = strFmt("",itm.Price);
After doing this nothing happens. The Price is not displaying in the in the other field. Can you please help me? i have a deadline and need to complete this. Please your help on it.
my form