I want the purchase req workflow to use managerial hierarchy but if the level 1 doesnt have the approval amount to approve it to find the person who does and ask them to approve.
I have set it so the stop criteria looks at approval limit >= to Approval amount and have Purchase agent>Purchase Manager>Material manager set up with the approval and spend limits in the active policy being £0.01>£500>1000.
I set up a PO req for £580 and submit the workflow with the PO Agent. The workflow reviews the auto approval setup and returns a false (I am expecting this as the agent doesn't have enough to approve automatically).
It then looks for the next level but come back with an error
'Stopped (error): SysWorkflowQueue-resume X++ Exception: User not found
at SysWorkflowHierarchyProvider-resolve
In the position hierachy 'A' reports to 'B' who reports to 'C'. A = Purchase agent, B = Purchasing Manager and C = Materials Manager.
Why does the workflow not automatically select C as the approver as A and B do not have enough on the signing policy approval limit.
Does D365 not support this set up and assumes the hierachy controls the approval and signing limits are only used for the auto approval?
Any ideas?