Hello All,
The current AX installation I am working on has a custom class built which reads an excel file using OleDBDataReader. Everything is pretty much working as expected with it, except there is a weird issue with a date field in the excel document.
In the class, we declare the trxDate variable to be a Date date type, we then use OleDBDataReader.get_Item() to set the trxDate variable to the proper field in excel.
Normally this works fine, but I have recieved a few files to import using this class where the date field has an apostrophe in front of the date (e.g. '10/31/2015). When this occours, AX throws an error that the "Error executing Code: Wrong Type of argument for the conversion function" at the line:
trxDate = OleDBDateReade.Get_Item(3);
However, the code continues to run and sets the trxDate variable to January first of the yeah 20xx where xx is the month value in the origional date.
So '10/31/2015 becomes 1/1/2010, '21/1/2011 becomes 1/1/2012, ect.
So my question is, how/why is AX taking the date value with an apostrophy in front of it and converting it totally different date?
Thank you,