Hello and thank you very much in advance if you can help me with this.
I am devoloping a massive update via AX job to update the field address.CountryRegionId for certain Vendors.
My intent is to replicate 100% the same logic as a user would amend this manually from the VendTable form.
By debugging the AX code , once the country region ID is amended ,
AX triggers the validatedate field method
then it triggers the modifiedfield method and as you can notice from the method,
this.isformdatasource() returns true ( as we are triggering the update from the form)
and by doing that , it will update the field address
The question is how I can "emulate" a call from the form via AX job?
This is the rudimental script I have created to try the logic, but the result is not the one expected as when triggering the modifiedfield()
this.isformdatasource() will return false.
static void Job17(Args _args)
address address;
select forupdate address where address.recid == 5637187833 ;
address.CountryRegionId = 'GD';
THank you