Hi Everyone,
I am generating report through X++ and saving it as pdf and emailing as attachment. This has to be done for all employees.
When I run the class it is working fine, but when I run the class through batch I am getting the error
Access to the path is denied when the code is generating the report for the second time on wards.
I have given all Read/write permission to Everyone and I have even given permission in Report server to AOS service and report server accounts. Below is my code
filepath = @"C:\Email\VendorAgingReport.pdf";
queryContracts = contract.parmQueryContracts();
mapEnum = queryContracts.getEnumerator();
printerSettings = ssrsController.parmReportContract().parmPrintSettings();
permissionSet = new Set(Types::Class);
permissionSet.add(new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop));
permissionSet.add(new FileIOPermission(filepath, 'rw'));
error trigger point